Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a structural component of tissue collagen, present in all living organisms. It gives elasticity and firmness to tissues, moisturizes the skin and hair and fills the eyes.


The generation of all protective factors in the body decreases with aging and hyaluronic acid is no exception to the rule. The drop in hyaluronic acid levels accompanies the aging process and it is estimated that as soon as we turn 45, the body generates half the amount it needs.


Injectable hyaluronic acid can correct several aging signs or even enhance some other features. It is an extremely pliable material that offers a variety of alternative ways for addressing problems which are sometimes decided in consultation with the patient.

Sites it is commonly applied on:

  • Upper lip wrinkles (smoker’s wrinkles)
  • Wrinkles around the mouth (nasolabial folds and lines of sadness or marionette lines)
  • Cheek lines and wrinkles
  • Increase the volume of the lips (fleshy lips) or enhance their contour
  • Cheek volume increase
  • Black circles under the eyes
  • Folds under the eyelid (tear trough)
  • Enhance the contour of the lower jaw and the chin
  • Acne scars
  • Liquid face lift – selective fillings with which we achieve the feeling of “uplifting” drooping areas while eliminating wrinkles and providing deep hydration with hyaluronic acid similar to that of Mesotherapy.

Α. Yes, the aesthetic effect is almost immediate. It takes 2-3 days for the drug to spread and work. It takes up to 2 weeks to perfect your image, because these materials are able to accumulate moisture in their molecules progressively.

Α. Each session lasts a maximum of 30 minutes. You should also calculate the time required for the consultation procedure with your doctor before treatment and apply a topical anesthetic.

Α. The latest products are softer and contain a topical anesthetic, so the infusion is even easier and painless. The use of xylocaine is indicated.

Α. Of course NOT. You can even schedule the session during your lunch break and immediately return to work. A slight redness at the injection sites will be visible.

Α. Depending on the quantity, density and the application site of the selected material, the outcome lasts from 6 to 12 and sometimes up to 24 months.